Saturday, August 27, 2011

Knitting Is Pissing Me Off

Ok, The above picture is of my attempt at the Make It Work Shawl by Leslie Thompson. This all started out fine and good until I had to add these extra 20 stitches and it all got weird. I have tried this twice to no success. See how my lace stitches are just hanging out in the wind . They are suppose to be attached to the body of the shawl SOMEHOW.. I mean the instructions tell me what to do, but me wrapping my head around how it works is beyond me. I am so pissed right now that I have to rip all the lace out and then some and start over!!!  Knitting is here to relax me, and right now I am freaking out over some yarn. I really have to get dressed , drive to the store and buy beer so I can drink and relax. I know I am a drama queen,but I put a lot of knitting time into this and its all for nothing at this point.. boo

Friday, August 26, 2011

This is the protector of my front door!! So gross..

Blogger Test

Go blogger is being weird and not letting me post via my phone..
Sent via Robin's BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ready For Fall

Can you tell I am ready for fall with the new wallpaper on the blog :) It has been over 106 and as hot as 112 here ! I'm not one for summer anyway so I am so glad when it cools off for fall and winter around here. I have finally started knitting again :) I have been working on my Make It Happen Shawlette which I am on the boarder and it will be done. I have also knitted a dish cloth which I will post pictures of later. I have been trying to work on my WIP'S that are sitting all around my knitting room. I have a pair of fingerless gloves to finish and  a pair of Bella mittens to finish along with a massive blanket I started 2 years ago. It seems to be a common theme with knitters to start something and set it aside for another New and Shiny project. 
I have joined Goodreads in the hopes to start reading more. I love to read but it seems that knitting, cleaning house and cooking take all my time and reading is maybe at a hour a day. I have to admit I have downloaded thousands of books for my Ipad and Nook and finding new books for free is a high. I love free and I think all books should be free to some point. I realize the authors have to make money, but there should be a discount for the none working folks of the world. Oh wait, that's what public library's are for . I can never seem to get the books back there once I take them out. 
I have found a new love for nail polish. Oh my gosh! its like painting in school all over again,lol. I'm sure if your my friend on FB you have been a couple post at my new colors. More of that to come here too. I really miss blogging and I think its time that I try and do it everyday or at least once a week. 
Today is my daughters first day back to school :) can you say we are both happy at this point.Being in the house together for 3 months is not good for anyone.. she is super excited to be in middle school this year and I'm a little scared. I guess I just have to let go and let her be at some point in all this. I am to much of a control freak... well, I'm off to knit and enjoy my quite day with me and the cats.. Talk to you soon .