If you know the correct email address, sending a SMS or MMS through email via your computer to a cell phone is really easy. A lot of people forget about this feature and if you don’t have a text package it can save you money, or if you are at work and can’t pull out your cell phone :)
Were it says Yourphonenumber, this will be the 10 digit cell phone number.
formally Cingular is now the new AT&T
Text: yourphonenumber@txt.att.net
MMS: yourphonenumber@mms.att.net
Text: yourphonenumber@txt.att.net
MMS: yourphonenumber@mms.att.net
T-Mobile: phonenumber@tmomail.net Virgin Mobile: phonenumber@vmobl.com
Cingular: phonenumber@cingularme.com
Sprint: phonenumber@messaging.sprintpcs.com
Nextel: phonenumber@messaging.nextel.com
US Cellular:
Text: phonenumber@email.uscc.net
MMS: Phonenumber@mms.uscc.net
SunCom: phonenumber@tms.suncom.com
Powertel: phonenumber@ptel.net
Alltel: phonenumber@message.alltel.com
Metro PCS: phonenumber@MyMetroPcs.com
Link of a Ton more: http://www.livejournal.com/tools/textmessage.bml?mode=details
I am always looking for new stuff and for you guys and I thought this might be useful. I know I do this at work with people since I can't put out my cellphone. If you have anything to add or see a mistake with one of the address please let me know.. Enjoy all